Studio Journal
Winter Studio Update
Sharing thoughts behind my upcoming new collection and updates on what has taken place in the studio over these winter months.

Behind the Scenes: What Goes into Making an Art Collection?
Have you ever wondered what all goes into forming a collection of artworks? While I love the final reveal of a beautifully finished and framed canvas, the reality is that many steps lead up to that point. I love sharing my process with you, so join me on a little peek inside the making of an Art Collection.
In The Studio: The Making of Elements of Rest
A behind the scenes look inside my studio at the making of Elements of Rest
Reflecting on My Latest Collection: Elements of Rest
Sharing insight behind my newest collection of work: Elements of Rest. It’s meaning, inspiration and process of creating.

Personal Thoughts on a Creative Magazine Feature
My thoughts on a recent magazine feature.

The Benefit of Choosing a Word of the Year
A single word to represent the theme of your entire year? Sure, why not! Sharing today what word I choose to represent my creative practice in 2022.

Markets and Abstracts
Featured my rock pigment abstracts at an amazing market here in Jacksonville this past weekend.