Personal Thoughts on a Creative Magazine Feature
I’m in a magazine.
Wait, that was a horrible introduction! Let me start with the back story…
I remember flipping through my mother’s magazine subscriptions as a child. I’d lay sprawled out on the floor, on my stomach in a way that is comfortable only for the young and prop myself up on my elbows while flipping through the glossy pages of her latest home decor magazine.
I always made sure to wait until she had read through them first. She had a sixth sense for knowing when someone had read through her magazines before she had. As a mother of four she set clear boundaries for us kids on what we could touch and what we better leave alone. So, while her magazines had never officially made it to the “hands-off” category I didn’t want to risk it ending up there by flipping through them prematurely and accidentally tearing or staining the pages.
All this lead up to basically say I was always in awe of the people and spaces featured on the pages. “What a cool thing,” I would think, “to have a space you could share in a magazine for others to see!”
Fast forward to now. Can you image how I must feel to be seeing my own space within the pages of In Her Studio Magazine? I’ve long admired the creative spaces and talented women they showcase but would have never dreamt that my own humble little studio, at the front end of my home in our converted dining room, would manifest itself as worthy of a feature. I’d have never imaged that my creative process was interesting enough that others would appreciate a behind the scenes glimpse into it.
It’s all a bit surreal.

But perhaps the most rewarding thing is watching as my own daughters eagerly flip through the pages to find my article, point at it excitedly, and read through it with smiles on their faces and pride for their mama. Regardless of how my studio space shifts or changes in the coming years, I am happy that I was able to capture in print this special time in my creative journey.
You can purchase your own copy of the 2022 spring edition of In Her Studio Magazine HERE.