The Benefit of Choosing a Word of the Year

I took a couple weeks off to spend time with my family and recharge a bit. When I came out of my little hiatus I found messages from several friends asking me what my word for the year was. I’ll be honest, I didn’t know that was a thing. One word to sum up an entire year that hasn’t even happened yet??? However, over the next couple days I begin taking note of some of the words others were using: Balance…Focus…Elevate…Grace…Momentum… and more importantly, their why behind chosing that word to set hopeful expectation for what the upcoming year would bring.

Ok, I thought, I can get on board with this.

Now I should have prefaced this by saying that I do not make New Year’s resolutions. But I do set goals for myself. And as any business owner of a creative practice knows, you do need to have at least some loose ideas of what you’d like to accomplish in the coming months to gain direction and perspective on where you’re going, and how to get there.

Since a word of the year is meant to bring us clarity and focus, I began to ask myself how I wanted to grow as an artist this year and what I hoped to accomplish with my business. What word could become my 2022 theme and help nudge me in the right direction when I found myself a little….scattered?

I decided on the word: Intentional


My goal is to become more intentional with my practice this year. More intenional in my process of creating. More intentional in the types of commissions I choose to take on. More intentional in how I carve out time to create just for the joy of creating. More intentional with what I spend my energies on and how I seek out inspiration. I’m excited to see how 2022 unfolds, thanks for being here with me friend!




Personal Thoughts on a Creative Magazine Feature


An Artist Guide to California